Isimbi Sugira Innocente - Sponsor Now

Isimbi Sugira Innocente

Age 14

Gender Female

Grade Senior 4 (10th grade)

Favorite Subject in School Math

Career Goals Business Person

Favorite Hobby Basketball

Favorite Color Sky Blue

Innocente's nickname is Ivy.  She has 2 sisters, and she is the firstborn.  She is the only one currently at Hope Haven, where she started in senior 2 in the fall of 2022 when the new secondary campus opened.  Her sister is looking forward to joining Hope Haven in the fall of 2024 for secondary school as well.  Both of her parents live at home with the family.  Their father works in the electrical field of trades, and their mother owns a business.  They live in Kigali.  When she has free time, Ivy likes to play basketball, swim, and think about what she will do in the future - business ideas.  Her dream is to live in the world of business.  One of her favorite foods is pizza.