Mukunzi Yannick - Sponsor Now

Mukunzi Yannick

Biggest Need

Age 5

Gender Male

Grade Top Class (Kindergarten)

Favorite Color Red

Mukunzi Yannick is a jolly and playful boy. While in class, Yannick loves drawing and rhyming. Outside the classroom, Yannick can be seen playing from swings or racing friends. His favorite color is red and he loves dogs. Yannick lives with his parents, 1 sister, and 1 brother who all go to nearby public schools. Yannick comes form a humble family. Neither of the parents have a profession, but they provide a kind of labor available in the community, such as gardening and working as porters on construction sites. The mother randomly in Hope Haven's farming fields as an alternative way of paying school fees. The family rents a small mud house in which they live.