Nishimwe Hope Myriam - Sponsor Now

Nishimwe Hope Myriam

Age 15

Gender Female

Grade Senior 4 (10th grade)

Favorite Subject in School Chemistry

Career Goals Robotics Engineer

Favorite Hobby Watching Movies

Favorite Color Black

Myriam has 3 brothers.  She is the oldest; her youngest brother is 5 years old. She is the only one at Hope Haven. They are all in other schools.  Her parents are both at home; her father works for the government and is in charge of social affairs. Her mother is a nurse. She is from the Huye district. It takes her 3 hours to get home on the bus from Kigali.  In her free time, she likes to listen to music and sing. She is on one of the praise teams at Hope Haven. She also likes practicing karate.  Her favorite food is spaghetti.