Biggest Need
Age 7
Gender Male
Grade Primary 1 (1st grade)
Favorite Subject in School Reading
Career Goals Doctor
Favorite Hobby Cartoons
Favorite Color Blue
Irasubiza Irene Pacifique is a sharp and playful boy. His favorite learning areas in class are art and math. During his free time, Irene can be seen playing on the swings with his friends. His dream is to be a doctor. Pacifique comes from a family of both parents and two older sisters, who both go to a nearby public school. Pacifique’s mother is a strong woman that works hard for her entire family, she occasionally works at the construction sites as a porter. She also comes to Hope Haven to serve in the field as a way of paying school fees for Irene Pacifique. The family used to stay in a dilapidated house until Hope Haven helped them rebuild the home.