Nsabyumukiza Valens - Sponsor Now

Nsabyumukiza Valens

Age 18

Gender Male

Grade Senior 4 (10th grade)

Favorite Subject in School Biology & Physics

Career Goals Doctor

Favorite Hobby Volleyball

Favorite Color Yellow

Valens has 3 siblings - 2 brothers and 1 sister.  Valens is the third born and the only one at Hope Haven, where he started in September of 2022 when the secondary campus opened.  His sister attends a day school - she is 20 years and also in senior 3 (8th grade) this year. One of his brothers is in primary 1 (1st grade) and the other is in preschool.  They live with their mother; she is a farmer.  They live in the Eastern province; it takes 3 hours on a bus to travel home from Kigali.  In his free time, Valens likes to read books, play volleyball and talk with his friends.  His favorite food is rice and chicken.