Umwali Willow - Sponsor Now

Umwali Willow

Age 4

Gender Female

Grade Middle Class (Pre-K)

Favorite Subject in School Numbers

Favorite Hobby Singing & Dance

Favorite Color Orange

Umwali Willow is a smart boy.  While in class, he enjoys learning about numbers and singing and dancing.  On the playground, Willow can be seen racing with his friends.   His favorite color is red, and he loves rabbits.   Willow lives with his parents, three brothers and one sister.  One of his siblings also attends Hope Haven and all other siblings attend a local public school.   Willow comes from a struggling family.  His father is a professional driver.  He is only occasionally hired to drive, and this is the family's only means of income.  Providing for basic needs, food and rent for the small mud house they live in is difficult.  Willow's mother is a housewife and also serves at Hope Haven farming fields as an alternative way of paying school fees.