Akarabo Adeline - Sponsor Now

Akarabo Adeline

Biggest Need

Age 4

Gender Female

Grade Middle Class (Pre-K)

Favorite Color Orange

Adeline is a humble and clever girl. While in class, she loves rhymes and working with numbers. On the playground, she loves playing on the swings with her friends. She also likes watching cartoon movies while at school. Adelines lives with both parents, three older brothers, two older sisters and an infant sibling. All of Adeline's older siblings attend a nearby public school. She loves chickens. Adeline comes from a very poor family. Her parents earn a living by working in the gardens of others in the community, carrying luggage in the taxi park or working as porters on construction sites. Adeline's mother also occasionally serves at Hope Haven in the farming fields as a way of helping to pay school fees. The family rents a two-room dilapidated mud house.